The area for Machine Learning (ML) is a big field. I have been reading up on this area on how to get started to deep-dive into Machine Learning. Specifically, some of the resources to get started familiarising yourself with Deep Learning which is the most common state-of-the-art in tackling real world problems.

  1. FastAI: Practical Deep Learning for Coders
    • Hands-on approach to learning Deep Learning
  2. Andrew Ng: Machine Learning Specialization
    • Theory approach to ML and covered non DL approaches
  3. The Missing Semester of Your CS Education
    • Useful to brush up on developer skills
  4. CS50 from Harvard
    • Course for you if you are want to get started to be a developer
  5. Alexey Grigorev: ML bookcamp
  6. Edward Leardi: MLW-DS-SWE cheat sheets
  7. b7leung: MLE Flashcards
  8. Educative: Grokking the ML Interview

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